In the scenes tab lets create another scene and name it SECOND SCENE (or whatever), and load a background for it, create the walk able area (way borders) then create the Way Points (like you did for the first scene)

Now create a scene object and name it DOOR_SCENE2, set the position so it is in front of the door but inside the walk able area and establish the alignment the character will take when it uses the door, for this door the character will face north (from the compass)


Then create the polygon object to cover the door (this is going to be the trigger of the door).



Now lets add the action for this door, open the ACTIONs tab and add a new action, of executed command on object type for the command TAKE (can be for a punter or USE, but since I only created a few cursors for this tutorial I will choose the TAKE command)

Add an action part and change it to CHANGE SCENE, select the START object from the FIRST scene (you can later change the destination to the DOOR we will create later in the first scene, but in this tutorial the START is located at the door). The alignment should be established as the starting position in the next scene and we can add a fade effect so the change between scenes has a nicer feel.


Now in the MAIN_SCENE create a new object named DOOR, then create the polygon area that covers the door area of the image, establish the position to be in front of the door and INSIDE the WAY BORDER, also establish the alignment the character will face when this door is activated.



Now go to the ACTIONS tab and add a new one, select the Execution command on object with the command for the TAKE cursor, the action part change it to CHANGE SCENE and select the position of the door of the second scene that we called DOOR_SCENE2. Also establish the alignment the character will face when it arrives at the second scene

Great, now you have a working scene where you have some basic interaction with objects and also where you can teleport to another scene GO TEST IT NOW.



Before I show you a bit more difficult object interaction we are going to need an inventory. Shown in part 8.